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Κιλιπλ Άστραπή
Thousand Thunderbolts



Sen no Ikadzuchi


Thousand Thunderbolts



First Manga Appearance

Chapter 169

Κιλιπλ Άστραπή (千の雷, Thousand Thunderbolts) is an extremely destructive, wide-range spell, widely considered to be among the most powerful lightning spells in existence. The most powerful spell in the lightning element. An extreme-range annihilation spell that strikes the target area with lightning.

To aim at a target, the spell needs an interjection in Latin, specifying the target, which is done through creating and extending an “Instant Targeting Array Circle” around the desired target, done by offering blood if done by a beginner.


Τό συμβόλαιον διακονητω μοί, βασιλευ Όυρανίωνων.
Έπιγενηθήτω αίθαλους κεραυνέ ός Τιτηνας φθείρειν.
Έκατοντάκις καί χιλιάκις άστραψάτω.

Κιλιπλ Άστραπή

To sumbolaion diakonêtô moi, basileu Ouraniônôn.
Epigenêthêto, aithalous keraune os Titênas phtheirein.
Epigenêthêto, aithalous keraune os Titênas phtheirein.

Kilipl Astrapê

Heed the contract and serve me, O King of the Skies.
Come forth, blazing thunder, slayer of Titans.
Hurl down lightning one hundred and even one thousand times.

Thousand Thunderbolts

Targeting Incantation[]

This incantation is inserted between lines 2 and 3 of the previous incantation to aid this targeting effect.

Iactum Extendentem Circulum praesentum!
Captem obiecta a primum ad decimum!
Area Constet! Intus se premant spiritus ad pressuram criticalem!
Tribus, Duobus, Modo! Capturam disiungens!

Omnes spiritus fulguranoles fortissime emittam

Present the Widening Throwing Circle!
Capture the objects first to the tenth!
Established Area! Spirits, overwhelm us unto the critical pressure within!
In three, two, now! Separation captivity!

All spirits I will send forth most valiantly like lightning!
